First Autonomous AI Combat Drone
First Autonomous AI Combat Drone, The Loyal Wingman is the latest shiny new toy that the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has received. The Loyal Wingman is a combat AI drone that has been developed by Boeing. Drones have been serving the military for quite some time now but this particular drone is different. This drone also becomes the first in-house aircraft in half a century for Australia. Boeing’s Loyal Wingman relies on the use of Artificial Intelligence for piloting the drone. This means that this particular drone is not controlled remotely like conventional drones. Of course, there is some manual control involved but it is done via the minimal interface as opposed to the massive conventional controller that we have become used to over the years. Boeing’s senior officer for autonomous aviation and technology, said, Autonomy is a big element of this, as well as the incorporation of artificial intelligence. Those two elements combined enable us to support existing forces. There’s a lot for us to figure out what’s the right level of information feed and direction. One of the great benefits of working with the Royal Australian Air Force is having the real operators. Company have a lot of understanding through our surrogate simulator and surrogate testing that we’re doing, but it will prove that out.
The Boeing Airpower Teaming System is a new unmanned aircraft using artificial intelligence to be that force multiplier. It’s designed to work as a smart team with existing military aircraft to complement and extend airborne missions.The Boeing Airpower Teaming System will provide a disruptive advantage for allied forces’ manned and unmanned missions.It provide fighter-like performance, measuring 38 feet long (11.7m) and able to fly more than 2,000 nautical miles,Integrate sensor packages onboard to support intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, tactical early warning missions and more,Use artificial intelligence to fly independently or in support of manned aircraft while maintaining safe distance between other aircraft and Fly for the first time in 2020.